Sun Valve is an exploratory narrative game that takes place on a small Canadian island in 1892. The player plays the role of a lighthouse keeper by the name of Conrad, and all seems well until something goes wrong. Suddenly, things don't look the same any more...
Sun Valve was created using the Unreal Development Kit for the Game Design course at the IT University of Copenhagen. It was made using a team of 6 people (calling ourselves Scylla & Charybdis), and I was mainly focused on the programming side of things. I used 3 different programming languages while making the game including UnrealScript, C++ and ActionScript. I also made use of Kismet, the flowchart programming paradigm within UDK.
The game's main idea revolves around the use of a moral dilemma, and in particular, we chose Robert Nozick's "experience machine" thought experiment.
Some screenshots that were taken of the game while during development may be seen here.
We intend to continue working on the game by polishing the already existing bugs and tweaking the existing features, and eventually releasing it to the public. Therefore, it is still a work-in-progress.
Download the design documentation. (40 pages, PDF)
Download the usability tests documentation. (7 pages, PDF)
Download my individual reflection. (17 pages, PDF)